Local State Representative votes against women’s rights.
March 4, 2025
State Rep. Dan Wolgamott, HD 14B, voted along DFL Party lines on March 3 instead of standing up for the rights of young women.
“Yesterday, Rep. Wolgamott had the opportunity to be courageous in being the one vote that would have passed HF 12, Preserving Girls’ Sports Act. Instead, he voted with his DFL cronies to vote against ensuring only biological female athletes compete against biological females,” said Sue Ek, candidate for HD 14B.
“As someone who claims to be for women’s rights, he failed,” Ek said.
In a summary description of HF 12, House Research states, “This bill is the Preserving Girls Sports Act. It limits participation on an elementary or secondary school sports team designated for women or girls to persons that meet the definition of ‘female.’ A ‘female’ is defined in the bill with respect to genetics and the individual’s reproductive system. The bill also requires the High School League to adopt rules and policies consistent with the Preserving Girls’ Sports Act.”
As I meet with people in the neighborhoods of 14B, I hear frustration with how they are not accurately represented in the State Legislature. My response (besides listening) is to assure them that a big reason for my running is to bring balance to the Legislature. Having the Governor's office, the House of Representatives, and the Senate all controlled by one Party cannot accurately reflect Central Minnesota values. Connecting with people and hearing their concerns and hopes for a better future has been insightful. A simpler future is my hope!
My family moved to St. Cloud in 1968 when my Dad accepted a position as business manager at the St. Cloud Reformatory (now called the Minnesota Correctional Facility - St. Cloud). My parents, two younger brothers, and I lived in a house on the Reformatory grounds. In 1972, my parents bought a home on Kilian Blvd., where I live today. Not too long ago, my parents, Dave and Kay, died within a year and two days of each other. One of my brothers lives in St. Paul with his wife
and family. My other brother is in Fort Wayne, IN.
Both brothers are, interestingly enough, in the pet industry.
On the campaign trail, I have been asked which Party I am with and what my stance is on abortion. My answers are simple. I am the Republican-endorsed candidate for 14B, and I am pro-life. Please note that I am not "an absolute extremist," as my opponent, Rep. Dan Wolgamott, has stated in his mailers. I want to protect all life from conception to natural death. Simple! After all, the Declaration of Independence says we have the right to life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness. It is a privilege to work to that end.
I've worked as a communications professional and consultant in support of women and families for the past 30+ years. In addition, I am a member of the Transportation Infrastructure Advisory Board for the City of St. Cloud. And, I have served the Church of St. Augustine as parish council president and chair of the finance committee.
Women LEAD MN for your endorsement.
Our team will be visiting neighborhoods and speaking at events. Bring your questions and concerns so I can bring them to St. Paul! Fill out our contact form if you want a visit from us.
Campaign Update (pdf)